We are all excited about - Steven Archdeacon - featured for the Songsalive! Pro member Spotlight for June 2016. Read his interview with Songsalive! and read about his Love & Connection Project. (click 'read more')
Steven has a new Kickstarter project, the LOVE & CONNECTION PROJECT (through Music), to help him raise money to record his next album and to spread LOVE, HAPPINESS, and CONNECTION through music! If you can pledge or share, it is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Enjoy the video explaining his project and his interview below!
Interview with Songsalive!
1: Where are you from, originally and what brought you to where you are? Steven: I am from Stony Brook, NY and what brought me to Medford, NY is I moved in with my gf. 2. What style of music would you say you do? Steven: Acoustic Rock 3. What do you enjoy best - songwriting or performing and why? Steven: I love to perform more than anything, whether it be my own original songs or covers, because of the interaction of each and every crowd I come into contact with at shows. I love to see people smile, laugh, dance, and just have a good time. I always invite people up to sing with me at my shows as it engages fans, it connects people to the music I'm performing, and it's more fun for everyone involved! 4. Who are your musical influences? Steven: Dave Matthews, Eric Clapton, Pink Floyd, John Mayer, Jimi Hendrix. 5. Describe your favorite song you have written and why is it so special to you: Steven: "FRAME OF MIND" because it encompasses everything about life for every one of us. It's about finding that state of mind so we can be happy with ourselves, enjoy life while we have it, and ultimately have peace inside. I believe everything in life comes down to how comfortable you are with yourself and it all starts with how we communicate with ourselves. The words we use, the questions we ask ourselves, and what we feed not only our body, but more importantly our MINDS! We all have struggles in life no matter who we are, but one quote which I've always loved by Booker T. Washington is “Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life, as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.” I know for myself after my father passed I was completely LOST in every way possible, as I was unfortunately the one who found him, and I had to find that frame of mind to overcome the hardest obstacle I've ever had to deal with in my own life. I've seen through music you can change people's mindset, get people to forget about their problems for the time being (even if it's for a few minutes), and just get them to really enjoy themselves. Music is the most powerful thing in the world and I think Bono from U2 said it best when he said, "Music can change the world because it can change people." 6. What are your goals for the next 5 years musically speaking? Steven: To release my next album called "Frame of Mind," to publish my book I've been working on about my musical journey, to sing the National Anthem at a NY GIANTS football game in dedication to my father, and to perform as much as possible while affecting as many people as possible in a positive way. 7. Tell us about your recordings and what's in store next for you: Steven: I released my album entitled, "No Turning Back," in 2010 which is dedicated to my father who passed Feb. 15, 2008 and that album means more to me than anything I've ever done in my life. It was my way of dealing with the pain of losing my father as music has been (and continues to be) my best therapy. Right now I'm working on my KICKSTARTER project called the LOVE & CONNECTION PROJECT (through Music) in order to raise money to record my next album entitled "Frame of Mind" so I can keep making music and spreading happiness, love, and connection through music. It's my mission to play music til the day I die and affect as many people as possible in a positive way! This project will help me do that as music is like breathing and breathing is LIFE. Therefore, MUSIC=LIFE! Here's the link to check out the project: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/archdeaconmusic/the-love-and-connection-project-through-music It's all about helping one another out and being kind to each other. So even if you can't pledge anything just simply do something nice for someone today and make someone smile! :) Also, just recently I got the opportunity to sing the National Anthem at MetLife Stadium (where the NY football GIANTS play) for Monster Jam and it was definitely the most amount of people I've ever sung in front of as there was about 50,000 people there. It was a GREAT experience! My ULTIMATE goal is to sing the anthem at MetLife Stadium at a NY GIANTS game in dedication to my father! I look forward to what the future holds and I can't wait for that day to come as it will truly be a dream come true! Here's the link to the National Anthem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtZLPh91qFw 8. Where can we buy your music? Steven: CD Baby: www.cdbaby.com/archdeacon2 9. What are your views about where the music industry is heading in your community, or on a global level? Steven: I'm excited about where the music industry is heading in my community and on a global level. There is more opportunity in music now than ever before in the history of the world! Like Steve Martin says, "Be so good they can't ignore you." We as artists are creative people and that means finding ways to get our music out as much as possible that no one has thought of before. Also, in this day and age in music it's no longer necessary to have a big record deal to make a living playing and creating music like it was years ago. With technology, if used correctly, you can utilize sites like facebook, youtube, twitter, etc to your advantage to showcase to millions of people what you can do. But ultimately, everything should run through your personal music website and it's a good idea to have the capability to be able to update that website when needed. There will always be challenges in any industry, but it's up to us to continually find different ways to overcome those obstacles in order to succeed. 10. Anything pertinent you'd like to say about Songsalive!? Steven: Songsalive is a great way to really connect with other songwriters around the world and help gain not only exposure for your music, but more importantly knowledge about the music industry! Visit Steven Archdeacon's Kickstarter Project HERE
Richard Venezia
10/23/2016 03:06:37 pm
Steven Congratulations on your success and being in the pro member spotlight. I believe you are the same Steven who ran the Long Island chapter I attended a few years back. That meeting was a game changer that led me to complete 3 country singles. I applaud your success.
10/27/2016 06:44:02 pm
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