"SONGSALIVE ROCKS!!😍 Songsalive is responsible for getting me a contact with pop up music in the UK that has proven to be a fantastic company. They got me a high end commercial ad placement right away. What's also very exciting to me, is a new placement on a great new 2021 version of "The wonder years"(Disney, abc TV). My song was also used at the screening of the pilot of the THE WONDER YEARS - which was held at Martha’s Vineyard. African American Film Festival (MVAAFF) during opening night of their festival on Friday, August 6, 2021.Plus I have more placements happening soon on major networks, all thanks to Songsalive!"
- John Covert, Songsalive! songwriter |
What I love about Songsalive!CASE STUDY: Hear how Nancy Kelel has improved her songwriting and expanded her network through Songsalive!
What they say...
"Songsalive! is a great place to improve your craft in an honest, supportive environment.
"I can say confidently that Songsalive! has been one of the premier songwriting associations in the world, and this is even more so today. An important resource and friend to any songwriter or singer/songwriter out there looking for help and assistance from their own peers."Alan Roy Scott - Motown Songwriter and International Music Entrepreneur
"Songsalive! not only promotes artists but also spends time educating artists."
Sindee Levin - Music Attorney
I love the spirit of Songsalive! It provides avenues to learn for me that I might otherwise not have found. It is also amazing to me that in a big city like LA, Songsalive! helps to build a recognizable musical community. Almost anywhere I go now related to music I see musicians I have met through Songsalive!
Anybody who wants to develop their craft as a songwriter would get alot out of these sessions. The group was led very well by the moderator. Good job!
- Greg D.
Thank you for creating a space for indie artists, like me, to have access to the world of songwriters, so we don't have to be signed to publishing companies in order for our songs to be heard. You've created a priceless platform for all of us.
- Simone Quinn
There's a tremendous good feeling when a group of songwriters and performers start to feel like a group of friends -- like drinking buddies, only getting together over coffee. That's the sensation when your local Songsalive! "regulars" start showing up to live events together. I highly recommend it!
- Rod O'Riley
Good enough that I joined after being a guest to one workshop. Every time I attend, I walk away with lots of new and invaluable knowledge.
- Richard W.
Every time I am able to come to the meetup, I carry away useful thoughts, ideas, and images.
- Fredd Hilton D.
It is targeted to a professional group of dedicated songwriters serious about moving their product and proactive in doing so. The commentary is professional, on target, specific and attentive, from informed and involved people.
-Natasha J.
I really believe that Songsalive! is a very important avenue for new and established musicians to get out there. In fact, I would go so far as to say that Songsalive performs a great community service. Well done!
- Philip Feinstein
I was a member just a week and already wrote one of my best songs with two other members. Thanks Songsalive!
- Happy Ron
A great way to network with other musicians/songwriters, songsalive.org seems like a great resource for songwriters trying to establish themselves in a somewhat intimidating field.
- Dave G.
Organizations such as Songsalive are just such a tool to help the common musician/artist like myself to break the chains that the 'corporation dominated music industry' has on the 'working artist. Providing an opportunity of networking with other musicians is why I've decided to join with such a 'grassroots organization'. I strongly recommend 'Songsalive' to any singer/songwriter/performers. In the end people need people. We are all in this together. It isn't about who's bigger or better. It's about artists coming together for a higher purpose.
- Ralph Buckley
Steven, Congratulations on your success and being in the Pro Member Spotlight. I believe you are the same Steven who ran the Long Island chapter I attended a few years back. That meeting was a game changer that led me to complete 3 country singles. I applaud your success.
-Richard Venezia
I joined Songsalive!, and was not sure if I would end up feeling like a needle in a haystack of songwriters. That concern subsided very quickly, however, and I experienced a level of professionalism and personal attention that made me feel right at home. Songsalive! is a fabulous support network of songwriters inspiring and empowering each other to live their passion. It is a wonderful, talented community.
- RiddleTheSphinx
I think Songsalive! is a fantastic support group for the songwriter community. They provide performance opportunities, promotional opportunities, exposure, and regular song critique sessions to help beginning songwriters really learn their craft. That's what it's all about.
- Garret Swayne
Songsalive! is a great organization because it offers so many tools to songwriters and artists for networking and getting their music out there. I was excited to discover this organization and I'm really happy to be a part of it!
- Katie Garibaldi
- Garret Swayne
Songsalive! is a great organization because it offers so many tools to songwriters and artists for networking and getting their music out there. I was excited to discover this organization and I'm really happy to be a part of it!
- Katie Garibaldi
Having been around the songwriting and group scene a long time I find that Songsalive! has been one of the best Indie promoters and just as importantly, accepting of diverse music. There is an overall regard for great communication of all kinds and a support of helping individuals to become the best that they can be. I also love the international nature of Songsalive!.
- Penelope Torribio
I feel like Songsalive! is an amazing company who are helping artists for all the RIGHT reasons. For the art, for the love of music and I am glad that they have taken an interest in my words and messages.
- J.Walker
I really like Songsalive! It’s a great avenue for communicating with other songwriters, keeping in touch with the community, and getting your songs heard.
- Dan Schteingart
Songsalive! is a great find! It's a treasure trove of opportunities and any artist or songwriter who really love their craft should explore this site and discover what Songsalive! can do for you. It's a gateway to a big wide world. I'm very much into self-empowerment and that's why Songsalive! really resonated well with me. They certainly make things a lot easier for artists to learn and understand the business side of being an artist. More power to Songsalive!
- Teddi
There are so few places to go and get a critique for free and meet high quality songwriters and other professionals in this town. I feel privileged to be a member of this organization.
- Jan L.
Wonderful, I really admire the people that put this together, it really appears as though the organization is there for the artist and not there to reap any kind of benefit or financial gain from its members. Congratulations and keep it going, artists need more places like this.
- Maggie
This is one of the best groups I've had the pleasure in meeting with.
- Les W.
- Teddi
There are so few places to go and get a critique for free and meet high quality songwriters and other professionals in this town. I feel privileged to be a member of this organization.
- Jan L.
Wonderful, I really admire the people that put this together, it really appears as though the organization is there for the artist and not there to reap any kind of benefit or financial gain from its members. Congratulations and keep it going, artists need more places like this.
- Maggie
This is one of the best groups I've had the pleasure in meeting with.
- Les W.
Songsalive is giving songwriters a venue to showcase their original songs, as well as hone their craft.
- Victor R.
I am very pleased with Songsalive's self-less philosophy. I am pleased to be part of an organization that brings people together instead of competing ruthlessly with one another.
- Gary Richards
I think organizations like Songsalive are the future. It brings music back to a community level, where people help each other. I'd love to see more people get involved and band together.
- CJ Borden